Moving to a new home can be stressful for anyone, especially your pets. But with a little consideration and planning, you can ensure that your next move will go more smoothly for you and your furry friends.
Before the Move
Moving with a companion animal usually means moving with a cat or dog. While these animals may react similarly to changes within the home, cats and dogs will, for the most part, respond to a family relocation with different behaviors. In general, cats are more focused on their surroundings and don’t adapt to change as readily as their canine counterparts. Ensuring a successful move starts by planning weeks ahead of your move. For example, if you have a long car ride to your new home, help your pets acclimate by taking a couple of car rides a few weeks beforehand. Start with short trips and provide positive reinforcement to help decrease anxiety.
Day of the Move
On the day of the move, place your cats or other small animals in their carriers and confine your dogs to one room or the backyard. If your dog has any territorial protectiveness or gets stressed out easily, ask a friend or neighbor to watch him for the afternoon until all your things are packed away. Cats should always be confined to a hard-sided carrier, as should other small animals, such as rabbits, ferrets and birds. Allow enough room on either side of the carrier for proper ventilation.
Packing a separate bag for your animal is a smart move. Bring along some of his favorite food/treats, as well as a gallon of water, because water characteristics change regionally. Bring a pet first aid kit and some extra towels, in case of accidents. Place temporary ID tags with your new address and phone/cell phone number on your pet’s collar. Also, keep a current health certificate for your pet handy during interstate travel since many states require one.
After You Arrive
When you reach your destination, immediately remove your animals from the car and put them in a quiet room. Only after all your boxes and furniture have been moved in, and all the movers have left, should you let your animals out to explore, but be sure to do a full inspection of the house first. Check for open windows, mousetraps under the bed or dressers and even drapery cords. Placing familiar objects in relatively the same locations as in your previous home will help ease your animal’s anxiety, and now is not the time to change routines or schedules. Be consistent and make any necessary changes slowly. Allow the stresses of the new place to wear off before you start making additional changes.
A little extra love can go a long way in helping your pet feel at home in their new surroundings. If you are looking for a simple and stress-free mortgage, you can count on our home loan experts at ALCOVA Mortgage to help you make your move!