Iuvo with awards in two categories from b2b Media Awards 2022 – Iuvo – Invest in loans. We made it safe | P2P Investing

Iuvo with awards in two categories from b2b Media Awards 2022 – Iuvo – Invest in loans. We made it safe | P2P Investing


We are proud to announce that iuvo won two awards at the 8th annual b2b Media Awards 2022.
The awards are in the following prestigious categories:

– FinTech company of the year;

– Innovative product – iuvoSAVE.

The prizes were accepted by the CEO of iuvo – Blagovest Karadzhov, at an official ceremony.

We are happy that despite the strong competition of large financial companies, we successfully ranked on second place in the category “FinTech company of the year”. Before iuvo it is ranked the global platform for money transfers and payment services PaySera.

For the prestigious second place in the category “Innovative product”, iuvo won thanks to our unique product iuvoSAVE – an alternative to the bank deposit, which allows you to save money and make profit, with a quick liquidity option. We competed with dozens of participants from various fields of activity. The jury awarded the Gynecological department of Medical Center “Doverie” (Trust) with the first place.

The two awards are yet another proof for the successful growth rates of iuvo and the increasing trust in the P2P sector.

We are thankful to the jury for the high evaluation!

You can find out who are the other award winners on the website of b2b Media: https://awards.b2bmedia.bg/.
