Gooood morning, internet-land!
If you’re seeing this, we have some fun news to share!!
I, J. Money, have acquired the blog back and am coming out of retirement!!
Let’s gooooooooo!!!!
The Motley Fool has decided not to continue with their acquired sites, and while I was completely at peace with the decision to sell three years ago to them, the opportunity was too exciting to pass up so we’re dusting off the keyboard and getting the party started again!! Pass on the word to all fellow budgeters and mothers of budgeters! We’re back, baby!! 😂
And we’re gonna do this thing OLD SCHOOL too like in 2008 when it was a simple blog-blog here, sharing tips and thoughts and ideas and not messing around with SEO or Growth Hacking or any of the other stuff that comes along with building a successful “blog business” online. We did all that, learned from it, capitalized on it all, and now we’re going back to the roots as a pure passion project.
We’ll see what type of schedule we’ll be having here, but it definitely won’t be every day Mon-Fri like in the past – probably more like M, W, F or maybe even just once or twice a week until we get things going here so I don’t burn out again… And will prob bring back some old friends to the site over time too, like 5AM Joel and other great storytellers from around the community!
It’s going to be fun!! And I hope you’ll stick around and join us!
As you can see I already blew up the old design here and completely refreshed it without all the sidebars and ads and junk cluttering everything up, so check it out if you’re reading this via email our elsewhere!
I felt like needing a long hot shower after refreshing everything up, haha… And hopefully the redesign makes it easier and cleaner to read and find things over time too 🙂 All the text is larger, the menu and categories more organized, and over time I’ll be tightening it up even more as I catch things or y’all shoot over bugs/recommendations… Which I hope you do! Lemme know if there’s anything I cut you wish stayed or can’t find something anymore! The blog is just as much yours as it is mine!
A lot I wanna say here as so much has changed over the years, for the better and worse!, (I’ve taken up skateboarding/whiskey, but also a rare auto-immune disease! lol) but I think I’ll leave the “what I’ve been up to lately” and “more about me” posts for the future so we can get this puppy kicked off and rollin’…
But before we go here, I really have to thank The Motley Fool for not only giving me the opportunity to come back to this blog which is crazy in itself!, but really for the past 3+ years of believing in me and helping me achieve my own personal and financial goals of getting acquired.
They not only involved me throughout the entire process of transitioning out of the blog and protecting my heart (and brand), but even let me tap a successor I admired and trusted for years (5AM Joel) to make sure Budgets had the best chance of survival. Then on top of all that they hired me to build out a new project for them (All-Star Money, R.I.P.) allowing me to still remain in the game! And get a stable paycheck throughout 😂
And while Budgets didn’t break any world records when I was away, it was 100% due to the stewardship of both The Fool and Joel for letting it live on respectfully in the community, giving me no hesitation whatsoever in coming back to it here years later. I probably wouldn’t be typing these words out in all honesty if it weren’t for them.
So huge thanks to the whole Fool crew – Roger, Laura, Dana, Tracy, Bledsoe, and 5AM Joel. Y’all rock. 💙
And got nothing but love for any of YOU still here reading this right now too! I don’t know how much of our community is still left as it’s been awhile (and the traffic/readership have dropped precipitously!) but I appreciate you and hope you’ll help me get things thriving again 🙂 Special shout to all the new readers here who don’t even know who this J$ character is, haha… I’ll brain dump on you in the next post so we can get caught up 👍
In the meantime, leave a comment to say hi or what you hope to see here going forward, and I’ll be back in a couple of days to continue the party.
I love you, I’ve missed you, and we’ll see you back here shortly!
Yours in finance,
PS: If you want to get signed up to our newsletter again so you automatically get emailed new posts I publish, click here and we’ll hook you up: budgetsaresexy.com/subscribe
PPS: For a snapshot of what I’ve been up to project-wise, check out jmoney.biz (my personal blog/resume), or you can also sign up to my weekly newsletter there where I get into more personal and behind-the-scene business stuff: jmoney.biz/newsletter (I also share a roundup of my favorite reads and tools I find in the community each week too – it goes out once a week on Fridays)
PPPS: You can also find me on Twitter (@BudgetsAreSexy), Instagram (@jmoneyyyyyy) and even Facebook (/BudgetsAreSexy). People tell me I need to get on TikTok next, but not sure I’m millennial enough?! 😂
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