Second Edition of Pragmatic Capitalism Now Available! – Pragmatic Capitalism

Second Edition of Pragmatic Capitalism Now Available! – Pragmatic Capitalism


Second Edition of Pragmatic Capitalism Now Available! – Pragmatic Capitalism

It’s been 8 years since I first published my book Pragmatic Capitalism and I finally got around to updating the book with a Second Edition. It had become very hard to acquire and copies were selling for hundreds of dollars. I even saw hyperinflationary prices of $43,000. And no, you should never pay $43,000 for a book. Not even one that has millions of dollars of monetary knowledge in it. Just kidding of course. You should definitely pay $43,000 for my book. Unless of course you can find it on Amazon for $9.99. Which, I am happy to announce, you can now do. We also published new updated paperback and hardcopies for $21.99 and $28.99.

The updated second edition adds some of my work on Discipline Based Investing and why I’ve become such a big advocate of Indexing and specifically Countercyclical Indexing. I hope you enjoy it.

