Ten Surprising Facts About Personal Loan

Ten Surprising Facts About Personal Loan


There are many presuppositions regarding a personal loan that it is difficult to get a personal loan, time taking, only available for a salaried person; only banks provide the personal loan, etc. we share some surprising facts that will enhance and improve your conception about a personal loan. You will be able to explore various information. Some points are as follows.

Not only banks but NBFC also provides loans

Many people know that only a bank can provide a personal loan, but various fintech companies are based on digital lending. These are called non-banking financial companies. A complete digitalization process has made the overall process easy for all. It takes significantly less time for your loan application and approval.

Takes very less time

The digital loan application process consumes less time compared to the traditional methods—the verification and identification of customers used to take a long time for approval. But the digital lending takes significantly less time than a personal loan.

A low credit score can also be considered for a loan

If you have a low credit score, it does not mean that your loan application for a personal loan will be rejected. Some lenders consider your salary or monthly income as your capacity for repayment. In this case, you can get an instant personal loan with specific terms and conditions.

You can borrow with other loans

If you have already debt and you are paying it EMI. It will not affect your loan application. You must be sure how easily you will be able to repay the loan because any default can lead to financial pressure.

No need for collateral

You do not have to mortgage or show your property or assets for a personal loan. It is free from collateral. That’s why it is also called an unsecured loan. Lenders provide the personal loan based on a satisfactory verification with all your documents.

Anyone can apply

There is no restriction that a salaried person can apply only; anyone with an excellent transactional history or credit score can easily apply for a personal loan. Lenders check all the documents like your income tax return details and record to ensure repayments.

Low-interest rate

A personal loan has a slightly lower interest rate than other loans. It varies from bank to bank. In some cases where someone applies for it with a lower credit score, the approval is done at a higher interest rate, but it is more reasonable than in others.


You can pay the personal loan amount at a time or before repayment. In some cases, people pay the loan amount on a one-time settlement scheme. Suppose you have arranged the cash for a complete refund; you can save your overall cost, including interest.

Manage the stress and debt

A personal loan can manage your stress of fund shortage and immediate cash requirements. You can utilize the personal loan amount for various payments like credit card bills, home renovation, shopping, traveling, etc.

It can increase your credit score

You can increase your credit score with a personal loan. Once you avail of a loan and make your repayment on the due date, it will increase your credit score for further financial benefits.

There are various personal loans, and a short-term loan is a popular loan service. In this loan, a salaried person is preferred for the approval of the loan. The period of this loan is thirty to thirty-five days. When a person has fund shortages at the month’s end, he can apply for this. The amount is thirty to forty percent of his salary. Once he gets his salary, he should make the repayment. Increasing the period may be difficult due to extra charges.


A personal loan is easy to get now because of many facilities by the banks and digital lenders. It is not complicated like traditional methods. All the processes are accessible from the application to the approval of the loan. With a good credit score and a specific requirement, you can apply from anywhere and anytime.
