The Money Group partners with Norton Home Loans  

The Money Group partners with Norton Home Loans  


The Money Group has extended its partnership with Norton Home Loans by adding the lender to its network, allowing brokers to access its full range of mortgages. 

The specialist lender says it offers a range of first charge mortgages “for customers whose circumstances would see them rejected by other lenders for reasons including heavy adverse and non-standard construction properties”.

It also offers loans on right-to-buy properties and bases “lending on the valuation, not the purchase price”.

The lender says it is independently owned, but its financial backers include the Royal Bank of Scotland. 

Norton Home Loans managing director Paul Stringer says: “I am delighted that Norton has expanded their relationship with the Money Group with this packaging partnership. 

It will allow the Money Group members access to our extensive range of specialist lending products for their non-standard customers”.

The Money Group chief executive Scott Thorpe adds: “We have a great relationship with Norton Home Loans already, this new packager relationship will help our members to help a wider range of consumers.”

Last month, the Money Group added Vida to its lending panel, making available to brokers its specialist lending products for customers with clients with complex financial needs.
