Walmart Back to School Supplies



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Walmart back to school supplies start at just $0.25!

Shopping for back-to-school doesn’t have to be expensive! At Walmart, I can get all the supplies my kids need starting at $0.25.

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While I’ve never shopped this early for school supplies,
Walmart made it so easy! I will definitely be doing this again next year! The displays were amazing, well-stocked and I was able to check off every item on my list within a few minutes—and well under budget! It was the best experience!

Here are some of the items I spotted/grabbed:

+ Pencils for $0.97

+ Crayola Crayons for $0.50

+ Erasers for $0.47

+ Pencil Case for $2.99

+ Wood Ruler for $0.54

+ Washable Glue for $0.25

+ Scissors for $0.36

+ Notebooks for $0.35

+ Composition Book for $1.00

+ Folders for $0.24

+ Art Supplies including colored pencils for $0.75

Walmart back to school supplies start at just $0.25!

I was also able to grab a few fun items that my kids were super excited about, including this Pokemon supply box ($5.98) and this slap bracelet ruler ($1.47)! It’s the little things that bring the biggest smiles sometimes.

Walmart back to school supplies start at just $0.25!

Shop school supplies starting at $0.25 at or at your local Walmart.
