Finding the right business loan involves knowing how fast you need the funds, how long you need to repay the loan and how much you’re willing to pay in costs. To help you choose the best fit, we’ve reviewed over 130 business loans — SBA loans, term loans, lines of credit, merchant cash advances and more — to help you compare.
Property development and construction loans. Useful for constructing commercial properties, residences and subdivisions. You could use it for completing a development project, and then sell the assets to repay your loan.
Subdivision financing. Subdividing land can help you increase the value of your property without constructing anything on it, but these loans can also be used for construction purposes.
Loans for buying a business. Use these business loans to purchase an existing business or a successful franchise, consider the business’s history, the value of its tangible assets, the estimated value of its intangible assets and the ability to yield good returns on your investment.
Factory financing. Useful for keeping organizations in business by helping them purchase equipment and technology. From production equipment to packaging materials, this loan can help you use your capital to meet other expenses while funding your working capital requirements.
Land bank financing. If you see abandoned properties and vacant lots as assets, these loans could be ideal. They can let you create, hold and develop vacant properties and then convert them into marketable assets that can double or triple your investment.
Rural property loans. Designed to purchase property in a rural region, these loans allow you to purchase a property or to consolidate your debts.
No Tricks, No Gimmicks. Personal Loans Made Easy
We’re here to help with personalised variable rate loans to meet your needs.
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+4420 338 99441 | funding@c-mfinancials.com
Website: https://www.c-mfinancials.com